Thursday, September 21, 2023

Introduction of the Gospel of Matthew, Part III

The Five Books Of Matthew

In Part II we discovered that Matthew is presented in Five Books. Here in Part III we give the outline of those Five Books of Matthew.

Book One of Matthew

The Proclamation Of The King, 3:1-7:29

The Narratives

Preaching of John the Baptist 3:1-12;

Baptism of Jesus. 3:13-17;

Beginning of the ministry in Galilee  4:12–17

Calling the first disciples  4:18–22;

Ministry to great multitude. 4:23–25;

Sermon On The Mount Discourse, 5:3-7:29

Beatitudes, 5:3–12;

Salt and light, 5:13–16;

The law, 5:17–20;

Anger, 5:21–26;

Adultery, 5:27–30;

Divorce, 5:31–32;

Oaths, 5:33–37;

Retaliation, 5:38–42;

Love of enemies, 5: 43–48;

Almsgiving, 6:1–4;

Prayer, 6:5–8;

The Our Father, 6:9–15;

Fasting, 6:16–18;

Treasure in heaven, 6:19–21;

Light of the body, 6:22–23;

God and money, 6:24;

The dependency on God, 6: 25–34;

Judging, 7:1–5;

Prudence, 7:6;

Prayer, II 2:7–11;

Relationship, 7:12;

Narrow gate, 7: 13–14;

False Prophets, 7:15–20;

True disciple of, 7:201–23;

Two foundations, 7:24–29. 

Verse 28.

Book Two of Matthew

Ministry Mission In Galilee 8:1-11:1

The Narratives

Cleansing a leper, 8:1–4;

Healing centurion’s servant, 8:5–13;

Healing Peters mother-in-law, 8:14–15;

More healings, 8:16–17;

Would be disciples, 8:18–22;

Calms storm at sea, 8:23-27;

Two demonic's delivered, 8:28–34;

Pardoning paralytic, 9:1–8;

Call of Matthew, 9:9–13;

Fasting, 9:14–17;

Ruler’s daughter and woman with issue of blood, 9:18–26;

Healing two blind men, 9:27–31;

Dumb spirit cast out, 9:32–34;

The compassion of Jesus, 9: 35–38;

The mission of the Twelve, 10:1–4.

Mission Discourse, 10:5-10:42

Sending of the Twelve, 10:5–15;

Coming persecution, 10:16–25;

Courage under persecution, 10:26–33;

Discipleship brings division, 10:34–36;

Terms of discipleship, 10:37–39;

Rewards, 10: 40–42.

Verse 11:1.

Book Three of Matthew

Opposition of the Jews, 11:2-13:53

The Narratives

Message from John the Baptist, 11:2–6;

Jesus testifies of John, 11:7–19:

Jesus reproaches unrepentant cities, 11: 20–24;

Secret revelation of the Son and Father, 11:25–27;

Christ: a gentle master, 11:28–30;

Picking green on Sabbath, 12:1–8;

Healing in the synagogue, 12:9–34

Jesus: hope of the gentiles, 12:15–21

Jesus and Beelzebub, 12:22–32;

A tree and its fruit, 12:33–37;

A sign seeking generation, 12:38–42;

An unclean spirit’s return, 12:43–45;

True family of Jesus, 12:46–50.

Kingdom parables discourse, 13:1-13:53.

Parable of the sower, 13:1–9;

Purpose of parables, 13:10–15;

Privileged disciples, 13:16–17;

Parable of Sower explained, 13:18–23;

Parable of the Good Seed and Tares, 13:24–30;

Parable of the Mustard Seed, 13:31–32; parable of 1113: 33;

Jesus's use of parables, 13:34–35;

Parable of Good Seed and Tears explained, 13:36–43;

Parable of Hidden Treasure, 13:44;

Parable of the Pearl of Great Price, 13:45–46;

Parable of the Dragnet, 13:47–50;

Parable of the Householder, 13:51–52.

Verse 53.

Book Four of Matthew

The King, The Kingdom, and the Church, 13:54-18:35.

The Narratives

Rejection at Nazareth, 13:54–58;

Harold's opinion of Christ, 14: one – two;

Death of John the Baptist, 14:3–12;

Feeding the 5000, 14:13–21;

Walking on water, 14:22–33;

Healing at Gennesaret, 14:34–36;

Traditions of the Elders, 15: 1–20;

Canaanite woman's faith, 15:21–28;

Multitude healed, 15:29–31;

Feeding the 4,000, 15: 32–39;

Wicked generation demands a sign, 16:1–4;

Leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees, 16:5–22;

Peters confession, 16:33–20;

First prediction of the passion, 16:21–23;

Conditions of discipleship, 16:24–28;

Mount of transfiguration, 17:9–13;

Healing of the lunatic, 17:34–21;

Second prediction of the passion, 17:22–23;

Payment of the temple tax, 17:24–27.

Church Order Discourse, 18:1-18:35.

Greatest in the kingdom, 18:1–5; Temptation to sin, 18:6–9;

Parable of the lost sheep, 18:10–14;

Authority of disciples, 18:15–20;

Unforgiving servant, 18:21–35.

Verse, 19:1.

Book Five of Matthew

The Ministry in Judea and Jerusalem, 19:1-25:46.

The Narratives

Question on marriage and divorce, 19:1–12;

Blessing the children, 19:13–15;

The rich young man, 19:16–26;

Disciple’s sacrifice, 19:27–30;

Workers in the vineyard, 20:1–16;

Third prediction of the passion, 20:17–19;

The request of James and John, 20:20-28;

Healing two blind men at Jericho, 20:29–34;

Triumphant entry, 21:1–11;

Cleansing the temple, 21:12–17;

Cursing the fig tree, 21:18–22;

Jesus's authority questioned, 21:23–27;

Parable of Two Sons, 21:28–32;

Parable of the Talents, 21:33–46;

Parable of the Wedding Feast, 22:1–14;

Paying taxes to Caesar, 22:15–22;

Question about the resurrection, 22:23–32;

The greatest commandment, 22:33–40;

Question about David's son, 22:41-46;

Denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees, 23:1–36;

Lamentation over Jerusalem, 23:37–39.

Olivet Discourse, 24:1-25:46.

Destruction of the temple foretold, 24:1–2;

The beginning of sorrows, 24:3–14;

The great tribulation, 24:15–28;

The coming of the Son of Man, 24:29–31;

Lesson of the fig tree, 24:32–36;

Unknown Parousia, 24:36-44;

Faithful and unfaithful servant, 24:45–51;

Parable of the 10 virgins, 25:1–13;

Parable of the talents, 25:14–30;

The judgment of the nations, 25:31–46.

Verse 26:1.

Apostolically Speaking;

Bp Jerry L Hayes D.D.

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Be sure to read Part I and Part II of the Introduction To The Gospel Of Matthew at the links provided here:

Introduction of the Gospel of Matthew Part I,

Introduction of the Gospel of Matthew Part II,

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