Saturday, March 14, 2020

Athanasius Against the World; Part 3, God's Order of Headship

Unimportant, if not Salvific?                 

Estimated reading time: 5.5 minutes.
Please excuse the personal references.

While writing my book entitled “The Christian Woman’s Headcovering,” a close pastor friend sent the author this very serious objection. He said, “No disrespect intended, but, I want to concentrate my efforts on winning the lost! If it's not heaven and hell, why do we spend so much time addressing issues such as ...!!” 

Although this pastor (whom I love dearly in Christ and who has labored with me in Christ) wrote these words, what I write below is not addressed to him alone, but to all who share his sentiments.

Dear Brother/Sister In Christ, 
“No disrespect from me either, but, it is sad that so many feel that way. I say that because we have a responsibility to our generation to affect society. An example is that Billy Graham spent a life time of ministry preaching only salvation to the lost, but has not left a footprint on Western society in general. Why? 
“Will, I have thought long and hard on that point. In my humble opinion it is because he refused to engage his generation on any social level whatsoever. He never took a political stand on any issue that mattered, nor did he speak against society's migration away from New Testament culture. 
“A salvation message only may appeal to those who wrongly preach and expect the rapture any second, and who believe that the world is going to the devil and his anti-christ; but, there is also a responsibility to be watchmen on the wall, crying out the warning against the sin of disrespect to the Scripture, and the migration away from Christian culture. Some issues may not be salvational for the individual, but, be disastrous for the next generation if not preached. Now, this is only a valid argument IF one believes there will be a NEXT generation. I do. And a next, and a next, and a next, etc.
“It use to be that we could speak of the ‘Christian culture’—not any more. Our churches have become so ‘seeker friendly’ that sin is hardly preached against by name, dress codes (headcovering, in particular) have been discarded altogether, lest the visitors be offended. Where can the Christian culture be found in your congregation outside of the church house? Better yet, where can the Christian culture be found INSIDE your churches? Ponder this: If a man persisted on wearing a ball cap or hat in your church services, would you approach him on the matter?
“I think the greatest shame is that you know the instructions of Paul and refuse to teach them to the people God has given you to shepherd. You may ease your conscience by saying that it is not salvational, but you would be wrong. Maybe not salvational to the individual, but salvational to the life of the Church of Christ.
“I see this as the greatest sin of the Rapture-Now theology. Those of us who have been promoters of it have neglected (and put in danger) the future life of the Lord's church. When it is all said and done the Watchmen on the walls must answer to a righteous God who left instructions, through His holy apostles, how to maintain headship in the Kingdom, and protect Christian culture throughout the earth. You may not have the blood of your generation on your hands, but could very well be stained with the blood of future Christianity.”

Lest We Forget
Paul said, “For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the Angels.” The symbol of headship that a woman wears on her head is the greatest preacher and teacher of headship the Church has. The institution of headcovering is a priceless gift given by a loving God to the human family to help us maintain order and unity in His economy.

When I, as a husband, see my wifeʼs headcovering I am preached to. She may not realize it but she is saying to me, “You are my covering; it is your responsibility to cover me both physically and spiritually.” The headcovering serves to remind me of my responsibility to be my wifeʼs protector and provider.

On the other hand when my wife puts on her headcovering she also is ministered to in the following manner. First, she is reminded that she has a covering, someone to stand between her and all else—physically and spiritually, she has a protector, she has a provider, she has a champion in life. Second, she is reminded of her role in the family and in society at large; that she is to be in submission to her head and function in a role of delegated authority in relation to that headship. Within my lifetime this preacher of headship was silenced; so, many have forgotten.

Beloved, it is our desire that Godʼs people be blessed; but, we cannot be blessed when we are not in submission to those whom God has placed as heads over us. Whether it be Christ over man, man over woman, or a woman over the children. We must respect and honor authority.

To Lady Ministers
Permit me to address you lady ministers: Before you mount the platform of the Church, and before you take your position behind the sacred desk, be aware that angels are watching (Hebrews 12:1, 22), and looking to you for instruction in the wisdoms of God (Ephesians 3:10, To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,). The sin of their kind was a transgression of rank in the heavenly realm. You, my sister, who represent the church of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-32) to all the angelic hosts, should be mindful not to do anything that gives the appearance of transgressing your God-appointed rank in His kingdom, such as the removal of your headcovering. If you remove your headcovering in the assembly, where you are in the presence of an innumerable company of angels, you are serving notice to the spirit realm that you are not content with Godʼs created order. This directly affects their ability to minister to you, because you become associated with that portion of their race which scandalized heaven with their disaffection of Godʼs rule. Second, you serve notice to the fallen angels that you are of their spirit and cut from the same bolt of cloth as they, and consequently, are prepared to partner with them.

Your way is clear. Have the courage to go against the tide of feminism and take your place in Godʼs order, not the worldʼs. Permit your conscience to be taken captive by the Word of God.

Now, Beloved, those of us who take the position that has been presented in this essay are “Athanasius Against the World.” But, as Athanasius, may we stand firm in our conviction of the rightness of our cause. In the end, prayerfully before the end, we will be vindicated when the Christian world view is restored and the pendulum of public opinion swings back into line with biblical principles. Athanasius could be the anvil that broke every hammer that struck him because his position was true. It is even so with those who stand in the face of a world gone mad and say, “You are wrong. The Bible is right.” I am happy to stand with the Athanasius-es of my generation — Against the World, but For the Faith.

Apostolically Speaking,
Jerry L Hayes

Also read:
Athanasius Against the World; God's Order of Headship, Part 1

Athanasius Against the World; God's Order of Headship, Part 2

If you enjoyed this essay, you would enjoy the Bishops book entitled "Christian Woman's Headcovering." Order your personal copy from the link provided here:

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