Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Signs Of A Generation That Has Lost Its Way

Estimated reading time: 1.5 minutes.
Sons of great men who preached the clear Oneness Pentecostal message, are now pastoring their fathers' churches. This second generation of preachers cannot (or, purposely, do not) write a description of their faith that does not leave one puzzled. These, inheritors of great ministries, do not seem to know where they stand doctrinally, and are willing to lead the masses of people into their uncertain fog.

These pretty-boys of the pulpit have lost their way and are merrily leading the previous generation's following into the ether of our pop-culture Christianity. There is nothing in their meeting houses that would
identify it as a Christian sanctuary and everything that resembles a club for housing the popular rave party. Crosses and other religious art have been replaced with the light show and smoke machines; choir robes have been replaced with women wearing leggings and shorts, and sock-less, skinny jeaned, ball cap wearing, and body-pierced men; Apostle Paul's required liturgical garment of the woman's headcovering has been totally removed, and one often sees women praying and even preaching with bare heads that sport crew cuts; the hymns of the faith that taught sound doctrine, like Haywood's "I See A Crimson Stream of Blood," have been replaced with the 7/11 songs (same 7 words repeated 11 times), and the hymnal has been replaced with the big screen - which has also replaced Bibles in the pews;  the ministers have exchanged vestments for designer jeans and cowboy boots;  Sin is no longer dealt with by anointed preaching, but with twelve-step programs; the Lord's Table and prayer rooms have been replaced with the coffee shop.

Fifty years from now any identification to the Christian faith among these groups will be gone. They have no doctrinal compass, and are the pied pipers of the second generation, leading the hard-fought-for souls of the former generation's offspring into the fog of a spirituality without any religious underpinning.

God Has No Grandchildren !

Apostolically Speaking,
☩☩ Jerry L. Hayes

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