Thursday, October 3, 2013

On the Meaning of the Word, “Katastolē”

On the Meaning of the Word, “Katastolē”
(As it pertains to a woman’s attire)

The Greek noun “katastolē” (Strong’s #G2689; from the verb “katastellō” Strong’s #G2687) makes an appearance but once in the New Testament, in 1 Timothy 2:9. 
“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel (katastolē), with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”
Katastolē is a compound word: “kata” (Strong’s #G2597) meaning: down; and “stolē” (Strong’s #G4749) meaning: a “stole” or long fitting gown (as a mark of dignity):—long clothing (garment), (long) robe.
Joseph Henry Thayer says of katastolē: “...a lowering, Letting down; hence 2.  in biblical Grk. twice, a garment let down, dress, attire: I Tim ii.9, Vulg. habitus, which the translator, acc, to later Lat. usage,  seems to understand of clothing (cf the French l’habit); ...”

Some have attempted to use the word katastolē to indicate Paul to be teaching that women should wear dresses. But as you can see from the information above, given on the word, that the most which can be said is that the woman’s garment is to be down on her body -  to the point of modesty. Thayer does use the word “dress” in his definition; but, it is to be understood in the sense of attire, or habit. Such as the style of dress for that time period. The argument cannot be made that Thayer is speaking  of a woman’s “dress” as opposed to a man’s “pants” in that such a distinction did not exist in the first century Roman culture, where all men and women wore robes.

When we apply the term katastolē to our time in history the most that can be said is that, whether a woman wears a dress or slacks, the garment should come down on her body enough to protect her modesty.

The picture provided is an illustration of Roman dress in New Testament times.

Apostolically Speaking
☩☩ Jerry L Hayes
(Mar David Ignatius)

Read other essays from the Bishop on the Christian's physical appearance:

The Christian Woman's Outward Adorning

Biblical Liturgical Dress Requirement For Men and Women

Christian Men and Beards

Minister's Clerical Garments: Collar and Vestments

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