(A White Paper by Bishop Jerry L Hayes)
The Law: Any number beyond 1 of the same thing denotes either division or progenity.
View the video version of this essay at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc5qY67C9_0&ab_channel=BishopJerryLHayes
Natural laws have been discovered throughout the known universe that are constant. Because of these “laws” mankind can study and do real science. Said another way, science is possible because natural laws exist that are unchanging. It is important to acknowledge that the human mind has not invented nor created the laws of nature but has only discovered them. If these laws were not consistent no real science could be performed. But because said laws are consistent men and women of Science can perform experiments based on certain fundamental truths, because there are laws that can be counted on. For example: water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F; water expands when frozen, air expands when heated. Such laws are a major proof of the existence of God. This is true because, where there are laws there must be a Law-Giver. The laws, then, of the Law-Giver, are a reflection of His wisdom and nature. His laws reflect, not violate, His nature. Thereby, we know good from evil, right from wrong, love from hate, beauty from ugly. We can predict how certain elements of nature will respond according to the laws inherent within it.
Here, I am concerned with an observable law of physics that demonstrates the following: Any number beyond 1 of the same thing denotes either division or progenity; and how that law would apply to our understanding of God. In the Christological debate over the identity of Jesus, the friction (between the ancient Hebraic Christology of Modalism and the more recent Logos Christology of Societal Trinitarianism) may be removed by an honest application of this observable and factual natural law of physics. Modalism asserts that the Son of God (Jesus), as to His deity, is not another rational person from the Father, but is, in very fact, the Father in another way of being. Societal Trinitarianism, on the other hand, asserts that the Son of God (Jesus), as to His deity, is, in very fact, another rational person from the Father with His own center of self-consciousness, will, and emotion. This modal of the Trinity further asserts that this other rational person from the Father shares an identical oneness of Godhood with Him and a third rational person called the Holy Spirit. Moreover, Societal Trinitarianism asserts that all three of these rational persons are co-equal and co-eternal (See the Athanasian Creed.).
So, the question this essay asks is: “How do these two opposing Christological views fare in light of our observable law of physics: Any number beyond 1 of the same thing denotes either division or progenity?”
The Modalism of ancient Hebraic Christology does not see the Son of God (Jesus), as to His deity, as another rational person from the Father (and the Holy Spirit) who is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father (and the Holy Spirit). Modalism affirms the Son of God (Jesus), as to His deity, to be the self-same Father (and, or, the Holy Spirit) in another way of being. Therefore, our stated law of physics (Any number beyond 1 of the same thing denotes either division or progenity.) in no manner militates against modalistic Christology, in that Modalism affirms the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to be the self-same rational Being (Person), albeit, in different ways of being.
Let us now consider Societal Trinitarianism. This model of the Trinity claims monotheism on the strength of their belief that the one God of Holy Scripture is a one God-nature that is shared by three distinct God-persons, each with their own centers of consciousness, will, and emotion. This model of the Trinity affirms that the deity of the three god-persons is exactly the same; it is further asserted that all three persons are co-equal and co-eternal. Ergo, the three rational god-persons are exactly equal in Godhood and have always existed—according to this Godhead paradigm. There never was a time when each did not exist and never a time they did not share the exact deity nature. It does not take but a quick minute to see the problem this Trinitarian modal presents to the law, which is here under consideration. In the case of the Societal Trinity there are three things that are exactly the same in Godhood. Our stated “law” declares that this could only come about through an original undergoing division, or an original reproducing another like itself. An example in nature is cell duplication from one original by division, or human multiplication from an original: (Adam) by both division (Eve from Adam: thus producing two humans) and procreation, thereafter. I employ these examples for the apparent reason that the human person was created in the image and likeness of his Creator-God (See Genesis 1:27.). However, Societal Trinitarian theology defies our discovered law. Or more exactly, our discovered law (Any number beyond 1 of the same thing denotes either division or progenity.) defies Societal Trinitarianism. This modal of the Trinity states that three of the same thing has had eternal existence; our stated law of physics militates against such a possibility. This is true because Societal Trinitarianism posits three exact same things (God-persons) which they claim to have had on beginning, yet our law of physics demonstrates this to be untrue. Our discovered natural law posits that there was a first which either divided or generated another like Himself, or in the case of the Societal Trinity, two others like Himself.
Above, I drew a parallel between the existence of God and the human race. This is often done by both Christological paradigms: Modalism and Societal Trinitarianism, and for good reason. This reason being: the Bible clearly states that Adam was made in the likeness and image of God. Modalism will point to Genesis 1:27, where we are told that man was made in the likeness and image of his Creator-God, and declare that in the making of Adam with three elements (body, soul, and spirit), God, thusly, demonstrated that He, Himself, was three (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) — yet one rational person, just as Adam. Societal Trinitarianism, on the other hand, will point to the creation of mankind and draw a parallel in this manner: God is one, they would say, in the sense that there is but one God-nature; just like mankind is one in the sense that there is but one human-nature. So then, they would say: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct rational God-persons who share the one God-nature, just as all rational humans share but one human-nature. The obvious conclusion of this parallelism, to the Modalist (and, indeed, to any thinking person), is that the many humans who share the one human-nature produces many human beings, therefore, the comparison would seem to imply that the three rational God-persons sharing the same God-nature would produce three Gods — if their argument would be consistent. Furthermore, if their parallel is valid, and if words mean anything at all, the fact that the one human-nature, to which they parallel with the one God-nature, is not sentient, thus, neither is their one God-nature sentient. So their modal of monotheism has a one non-sentient God. To which accusation, they call foul. Their inconsistency in this matter is apparent; and, inconsistency is the pitfall of all false doctrine. Furthermore, the creation of man and the manner of proliferation of the human species over the earth validates the law of nature suggested in this writing.
If one would attempt to escape the argument presented by this text by saying that “God is God and not bound by the laws of physics,” I would humbly suggest that we only know God through His laws, whether they be His laws of nature or His written precepts found in the Holy Bible. The laws of nature are the laws of the Creator-God which is one way by which He has made His wisdom and nature known. They reflect Him! The laws of nature do not bind God, but God binds the laws of nature to Himself.